Garden and the moon is a knowledge center bringing together teachings and insights, experiences and stories, people, beings.

It is an evolutionary initiative that aims at the sharing of knowledge from its purest form, from all parts of the world, various backgrounds and spiritual paths, from nature really.

More than “answers”, “tips” or “recipes” it provides perspectives and questioning, dialogues and conversations. It’s a place to wander and breathe, learn and understand.

Whether it’s from words and their metaphorical life meaning, whether it’s from people and their most accomplished nature, whether it’s online or through actual physical forms and locations, Garden and the Moon is a celebration of the living, the earth and the sky, the light and shadow, the blessed journey we’re all on.

The same way gardens and flowers are transforming and renewing every season, the same way the moon becomes full or anew, this website approaches the profound and necessary renewal of education, medicine, ecology, anatomy the way we have understood them today.